Thursday, February 19, 2009

All in the Family

I have been getting a lot of requests for more blog pictures of our baby. So here you are everyone! As you can see here above Avery is not a fan of the camera flash so a lot of times she'll just peek one eye open to look around.

Here she is on Valentines Day with her pink bear in her V-day outfit. Both of which were presents from Grandma Kinnison.

The proud new Grandma
Me and my baby on Valentines Day.

I love this picture. I know I'm a little biased, but she really is one adorable little newborn.

People have been saying that Avery looks like I did when I was born but with Janna's hair. So I thought I'd post these pics and see what you all think. My mom emailed me these pics and now we can see where Avery got all her dark hair. Above are some newborn pics of my sister, Janna--now she had a lot of HAIR! And that's me in the pink with her when I was almost 21 months.

This is a baby pic of my Dad when he was a newborn. He had A TON of HAIR!

This is a pic of my brother Steven--my mom thought Avery looks a little like him.

This is a pic of me at 3 1/2 months old. I really liked that bear apparently :)
Below are some newborn pics of me. My Grandparents are holding me in these pics. Ah memories...j/ I remember that. These pics are small but if you click on the picture, you can see the images a little better.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More pictures of Avery!

Here is Brian burping Avery at the hospital. I love this picture! She reminds me of a cute little baby chick flapping her wings here. :D

She has long fingers like her mommy!

Peeking out of her swaddle just before we left the hospital.

Getting wheeled out with my precious little bundle

So calm and peaceful

Brian with Avery on his makeshift bed at the hospital.

Our little angel

Mom and baby at the hospital

When we came home the cats immediately noticed Avery. Here is Moglie tiptoeing around and trying to smell her. The cats are pretty nervous to get too close to her. Now I think they are starting to get used to her. Avery has been spending a lot of time on her boppy pillow. (as seen above) She just fits perfectly!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Avery's Birthday

Who would have thought?! Apparently our daughter wanted to come out early much to our surprise. I thought I had so much time to prepare for childbirth, nursery decor, finish reading a couple parenting/baby books...I was finished with work this Wednesday and was looking forward to my time off--being able to prepare and "nest" before the arrival of our daughter. Then on Saturday morning I thought my water had broken and so in I went to just check and see if it did or not. I didn't actually think it had, but I just wanted to make sure so we went to the hospital. When I went in they told me that my water had not broken but that I was dilated to 3 centimeters. They decided to keep me overnight for observation to see if I progressed any and to monitor the baby's heart rate. So the next morning I started feeling some contractions and they told me that I had progressed to 5 centimeters and that I was having this baby even though I was only 36 weeks. I was extremely shocked and pretty emotional at first...I just thought that the baby might not be ok if she came out that early. But the doctor told me that lots of baby's are born this early and perfectly fine. Also, they said that "baby knows best" when it comes to knowing when to come out. Anyways, so the labor was pretty painful to say the least. Luckily, I was able to overcome my huge fear of getting an epidural because without it I don't know how I would have coped with that much pain. Brian and my mom were such a great support for me. I am so glad Brian was so sweet and helpful the whole time. Looking back, I must say: delivering a baby is the hardest thing EVER, no question. Above is me after I got the epidural.

Avery Michelle Norton was born on February 8, 2009 at 8:07 p.m 6lbs. 11oz 20 1/2 inches long

Above is when she was getting checked in the NICU; she is less than an hour old here--they returned her to us pretty quickly once they determined she was breathing fine. She has her mom's long fingers and toes.

She is just the cuttest, most precious baby! We are so lucky.

Daddy's little girl

This is my favorite picture of her--she looks so happy and just SO adorable. I am so glad Brian is such a great photographer! We are so happy Avery is finally here!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby Shower

Well, now I am starting to feel a lot more prepared for when I have the baby! My baby shower was yesterday and I got a lot of fun and useful baby items. As you can see, we set up our crib and I displayed some of the cute stuff I got on and inside it. Brian painted the baby's room a while back and I am still in the process of finishing the bumper pads and blanket for her room. Wow, I think the baby knows I'm writing about her because suddenly she is kicking up a storm in my belly! Anyways, yes, I am attempting to put my novice sewing skills to the test by making some things for the baby. I figure even if they don't look that professional, she will appreciate them just because her mommy made them for her :)
People have been pestering me to post belly pics so here they are! Yes, I know I am quite large--everyone always thinks I am farther along than I really am. I think she is just going to be one big baby--like her Dad! I just found out that Brian was 10 lbs. 5 1/2 oz when he was born!!!! He told me he thought he was a 7 pounder at birth a while back-- how could he forget that he was so huge?! That forgetful husband of mine...
Above--mobile, adorable stuffed bunny, booties, socks, blanket, and a super cute black, white, and pink car seat attachment shade cover.
My boss got me this adorable addition to the nursery--I love it! The fur is so soft, too.
This is one of my favorite outfits--my mom made it. And yes, those are kitties on the dress.
So cute!
Here are some random gifts I arranged on the crib. A cornucopia of baby items, if you will! Once I finish the nursery, I will post more pics to give you all a better view of how the room turns out.