Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our 1st Anniversary

Today Heather and I celebrated our very first anniversary. Heather got a new bike for her anniversary gift so we rode our bikes to church this morning. That was fun, but a little hot and we did look a little awkward in our church clothes. :) We got a couple of honks. Heather is absolutely loving her new bike, she even wants to ride to work tomorrow which is 11 1/2 miles one way. I think she is a little crazy, but she doesn't care what i think. She is starting to get really good at riding, as you can see by her amazing speed in the pictures. We had a nice romantic dinner tonight at the house, rot poast, my favorite Sunday dinner. We ended our first annual anniversary by taking a night bike ride to the park. We had a great time. We sure are having some fun times together. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful wife who loves to have fun with me. We are excited for the many years to come. I love you Heather!!!!!


Sharie McCraney said...

That's great that you guys rode to church. We save $100 a month on gas now. I love it too.
How did that rot poast taste?

Christy Ivory said...

Hey guys,
I love the bikes. I may start riding one myself.
Happy Anniversary!! It's our Anniversary today. 10 years, can you believe it. Wow, It will be just around the corner for you guys. Time goes by so fast. Look at our blog tomorrow night. I will have pictures of our night out.
Love you both,
P.S. I love the picture of the rose Bri. It's a beautiful picture.

cyclinggrandmother/Gilly said...

I love your bolg. I went into your other sites and looked at your action pictures, and Brian let me tell you. You are good. Real good! Hey, I like Heather's bike. Yesterday my cyclinggrandmother group went to Lewiston on a ride. It was so fun. We only went 15 miles, but it was so great to be out riding around an area we hadn't seen before, and enjoy the beauty of the area. I just love riding my bike. You better wear helmets though. I never go anywhere without a helmet.
It is like riding in a car without seatbelts. You must wear a helmet. I sure hope you do with all the crazy drivers there, some people target bike riders and purposely hit them to get them off the road. A helmet will save your life and your brain. Listen to your mother.
We can't afford to end up in a nursing home unable to think or move. Thank you for the lovely flowers that came to my door this morning. How nice. I shed a tear because I know that my children love me. Thank you so much. I love you, I pray for you, and I am so grateful that Heather is in our family and that you are both happy together. Everything can be overcome if we trust in the Lord and have faith. Maybe next year I can wish Heather a Happy Mother's day. Oh, I forgot, you have kitty-cats, Happy Mother's Day. Love ya.

Sandy said...

Happy Anniversary, Brian and Heather!!!!