Loved the holidays this year! Avery was so cute on Christmas morning with all her presents. It is just so cute how kids play with toys as they get older and older. Avery's favorite gift was probably her little mini doll/baby stroller. She is obcessed with babies and dolls so the stroller was a BIG hit. I pity the kid who gets between Avery and her babies!
So, now that the holiday craziness is now no longer consuming my every waking moment, I can now catch up on a few things. Today I went a little overboard on cleaning, organizing, laundry, and now the blog. I love getting things done I just wish I was one of those people who love to clean. I love things to be clean but I don't enjoy the cleaning process. I LOVE to organize things though. Anyway, now you all can see the pictures of us over the last couple months. Brian's parents came down for Keira's blessing in the beginning of December. It was so fun to have another set of Grandparents come and dote on the kids. I wish they could see the girls more often. And we went to St. George for Thanksgiving and that is my mom's mom with the girls in their pink leopard dresses above. Love the holidays but I'm kind of glad things will slow down a little now that they are over. Well, not quite over, we still have new year's! Happy New Year everyone!!!