Our little girl is finally here! Keira Lee Norton was born on October 15th, 2010 at 9:47 P.M. She was 9 lbs even and 21 inches long! We couldn't believe how big she was! She must be a Norton because Brian and his siblings were all pretty big babies, I've heard. Brian was over 10 lbs!!!
So, here's the story. I had gone in for my check at 38 weeks and my doctor said I was progressing nicely and that I'd probably have a baby by the following week. I was so excited! Then the next week rolled around and I thought I had been having some contractions, so I was excited to go in to my 39 week appointment. (I was hoping I'd go in, and he'd say I was in labor and to go ahead and go over to the hospital) Well, when he checked me, I had little progression and was only one centimeter still. And the baby was still sitting up at a -2 (still very high). So, Dr. Lewis said if it was ok with me, he'd induce me on my due date. I was definitely ok with it!
Wednesday night I was supposed to be admitted to the hospital to get a cervidil placed to prep me for my induction the following day. Wednesday night we were all anxious and excited to get things rolling, BUT when I called in to the hospital, they said that they were WAY too full to admit me to the hospital and that I would have to wait until tomorrow to come in. So, the next day we called in and they said they were still way too full to admit me. :( They said they'd call us if things changed and that we were first on their list of people to call. So, I began doing as much walking and shopping as I could to get things going myself. Unfortunately nothing was working. I hadn't been feeling contractions at all for like a week and I was beginning to think my baby would never come out. She was just content to stay in my tummy forever more. Of course I knew that wasn't the case, but still, I wonder when she would have come on her own if I hadn't been induced. That day (Thursday) I had an appointment with Dr. Lewis and he said I was STILL at a 1 centimeter and -2 and 70% effaced. So frustrating! So, we kept calling the hospital every few hours and it was always the same--too full! It was especially irritating because I asked the nurse what they would do with me if I really was in labor--tell me they were too full?! She said no and that they would have to admit me if I really went into labor. The other thing that was causing me so much trepidation was that I actually needed to get the baby out as soon as possible for the baby's health. I didn't mention earlier that my body was producing antibodies that cross the placenta and when the level gets high enough in my blood, the baby's health could be seriously compromised. It is an extremely rare condition that I had been seeing a specialist for to make sure the baby was ok throughout the pregnancy. Anyways, don't ask me questions about it because it is really hard to explain and you can't even really find information about it online because it is so rare. I hope that didn't make me sound rude by putting that last sentence. So, now you see why the Dr. and I really needed to get the baby out.
Then on Friday, at about 2:30 P.M. they called!!!! Finally! So, we gathered up all our gear and headed out to the hospital. Brian and I couldn't believe we were actually going in to have a baby. It was too surreal. So, they placed the cervidil at about 5P.M. and said for about 95% of patients, the cervidil would soften the cervix over the course of 12 hours. So, we were expecting to spend the night and have the baby on Saturday morning sometime. The nurses let me eat and drink as much as I wanted for dinner, and Brian and I started some card games and stuff to pass the time. Well, when they initially checked me at 5 I was at 3 centimeters, -2(STILL), and 70% effaced(STILL). The nurse said I was having contractions periodically that were pretty weak and insignificant. So, then around 6:30 P.M. I started feeling some uncomfortable contractions. When I told the nurse this, she said that that just meant the cervidil was working and that she didn't think the contractions were strong enough to suggest I was going to have a baby anytime in the immediate future. So, then around 8 P.M., I was beginning to get rather uncomfortable. I was standing up and Brian would rub my back to get me through the contractions. The nurse then came in and said that maybe we'd have the baby by midnight at this rate. She said we could get my pain meds going if I wanted. At that time, I think I didn't want to seem like a wimp, so I foolishly declined. About 15 minutes later she returned and could see the pain on my face and said that she was going to go ahead and prep my for my epidural, as long as I didn't protest. I was glad she just went ahead and got things rolling for me!
The Dreaded EPIDURAL:
Around 8:30 or so, the anesthesiologist came in. Yikes. I just have such a hard time getting epidurals because when I picture that giant needle puncturing my back, I get chills down my spine and shudder just thinking about it. I had had one before so I did have the reassurance of knowing that they don't hurt too incredibly bad. BUT, this time it was different. It seemed like the anesthesiologist was stabbing around in my back for forever. Brian and the nurse kept telling me to relax but I could feel so many jabbing pains in my spine that relaxing was an impossibility. Not fun!!! So, then when he was done, I started to feel a little relief and it seemed that torture wasn't for naught. But then, as I continued to have contractions, I realized I could only feel numbness on my right side. They had my lay on my left side to remedy the problem, but it never worked. I endured that painful, incredibly emotionally stressful, epidural and i could still feel some absolutely brutal contractions.
They checked me and I was at 8 centimeters around 9. Then, around 9:15, I was experiencing the most intense pain of my life. Brian and my mom were there trying to calm me down and tell me to breathe. This did help a little. I think I remember saying some pretty pathetic things like, "I hate life" & "I'm NEVER having another baby."
At about 9:25 I told the nurses I couldn't take it anymore and that I had to push NOW! I could feel so much pressure and PAIN like you wouldn't believe that I just kept saying that. And they wouldn't let me because the doctor was in the middle of a C-section. So, they had to call another doctor to come from home to come in. They told me he lived close and to wait as long as I could. But they said if I couldn't wait any longer that I shouldn't worry because they deliver babies all the time. Well, I didn't want the nurses to deliver me so, I just waited--about 15 terrible minutes and then, another Dr. arrived to save me! She just happened to be in the hospital at the right time to deliver Keira. I'm not really sure why she was even there. The doctor they called from home had still not arrived, so Dr. Kannappan delivered our baby. I really liked her, too. I went to school with her daughter, Aarthy, ironically enough. Aarthy was a genius girl who was in several of my classes at Stockdale High. Her mom said she was in her OB residency right now.
Once she told me to start pushing, it didn't take too many pushes to get her out. When she first came out all the nurses were saying how big she was. I couldn't believe it! I mean, well, I guess I could believe it because it hurt like the devil pushing out that head and shoulders! But once she (and the placenta) was out I felt immediate relief. The kind of feeling I imagine a marathon runner might feel after completion of the race.
The pain was over and my sweet baby girl was in my arms!!! She had huge lips when the set her on me for the first time. I couldn't believe how different she looked compared to Avery. Keira was (and is) so beautiful in a totally different way. I think I was just so shocked to finally see her, that that first time I held her was so special in a way I can't describe. She was mine. My little angel. Having a baby is the most unique and precious experience. I am so glad Brian and I have been so incredibly blessed with 2 absolutely amazing and beautiful girls. Children must be the greatest blessing the Lord gives us in life. I am so beyond grateful to be a mother!! Now I am in mommy heaven with my new precious baby!