Sunday, July 27, 2008

US Open of Surfing

Today I went down to the Beach for the US Open of surfing, (The worlds largest surf competition) and had a great time watching the festivities. Heather went up to Bakersfield for the weekend to hang out with the family while I stayed in town to shoot Laura and Dave Garner's wedding. Overall the weekend went really well with the wedding and the US Open combo. The only think i noticed is that I didnt get any photos of the surfing, I just shot some of the other events going on. Here are some of the images I captured from the US Open.


Sandy said...

My boys loved them!

Christy Ivory said...

Hey Brian and Heather,
We are so excited!!! How have you guys been?? Give me an update. Or I can just get it in person.
Hey, It looks like we are doing a dinner together. What were you thinking?? My first thought was taco's. I haven't talked to Ryan yet, do you have any idea's.

Let me know.

Christy Ivory said...

I didn't leave a comment about your pict's yet.
Love them. I've looked at them several times and am amazed. I have noticed while taking action pictures, that it's not as easy as it looks. I just end up taking alot of pictures.
Love you guys,

cyclinggrandmother/Gilly said...

I like all the action. I tried to take pictures of my friend Teresa and her family and out of 8 pictures I took, only one came out. I am so mad. Sorry family, my camera stinks. I believe I am getting a new one from my husband. My action pictures are black, no action at all. Darn.....
You do a great job. Someday you will be rich and famous.
what time are you flying into Salt Lake, and do I still need to pick you up?

Sharie McCraney said...

You are a great photographer! Can't wait to see reunion pic's.

Christy Ivory said...

I am waiting for those pictures to come up. Everyday I check to see if you have them up. I'm waiting....... j/k. But I do want to see them, because I know you got some good ones.
Talk to you soon.

Jenn said...

Congrats on the new addition!! Heather, I hope your 2nd tri goes better too, it's no fun dealing w/the pesky little parasites ;) when you don't feel well! Anyway, good luck, and keep me posted! PS, your hubby takes some pretty amazing pictures!