So, I have been so busy with the stake production lately, I have all but given up on blogging. This will be a simple blog, since I do still have some costume work to do today on my day off. However, I just thought I would post these new pictures taken of Avery because she looks so adorable in them! Avery loves her little outfit Grandma made her. She will be 9 months in one week. I can't believe it! Right now she is about to get teeth # E & F. She has # O & P already. Dental jargon--she will be getting her two front teeth for Christmas after all. Her other tricks include: scooting around a little and pulling herself up to a standing position using my hands. She can say: dada(dad is happy she finally learned that one!), yaya, baba, and mama(her first sound) and she says some "s" sounds a lot, too. Avery is such a happy little baby. This photo shoot was so fun. I'm sure everyone at the park was laughing hysterically at me as they walked by because I was jumping, dancing, and singing to get Avery's attention and to keep her from eating the grass and leaves she was sitting on! We got her to smile a lot using an Elmo book her Aunt Sandy gave her. She loves it when we talk like Elmo and move him so she thinks he is talking to her. It is so cute--Thanks Aunt Sandy!
Lately, Avery has become very aware of the cats. She loves to watch them and touch them, when she can. Moglie has learned to run for it whenever Avery starts to reach for him. But Jasmine is so sweet and a lot of times will let Avery touch her--even though Avery bats at her and pulls her fur out. Jaz is so cute and doesn't really mind it.
Well, I have had so much fun doing this stake play! I have gotten to dance my little heart out and let loose! Although the politics of the play are a bit annoying, I am so glad to have been able to be a part of this musical production.Thank you to my wonderful husband for helping out so much and letting me enjoy this new experience! I love you, my deer! Opening night for Curtain Up is this Thursday!