Whoa! It has been a different scene around here lately. I am learning life is getting a lot more demanding when your baby gets bored of just lying there. Before, I could just set Avery down in one of her seats and grab a bite to eat or do the dishes, for example. Looking around the room or out a window would be sufficient entertainment for our little dear. Not the case anymore! Avery needs much more to keep her happy these days. And it's even more difficult for me because Brian is gone from about 4:30 A.M. until about 7:30 P.M. And then when he gets home he wants to relax--understandably so! Brian has a new job he started a couple of weeks ago (for those of you who didn't already know). He works for a company called Shaw Environmental. Brian primarily locates, removes, and eradicates environmental threats ie anthrax, or currently: granade, rocket, and bomb ordinates. Risky business, I know. Not to worry though, he says they take every precaution and he doesn't even consider it dangerous at all. The biggest worry for him is poison oak and rattlesnakes.
So back to my attention overload... I am adjusting to Avery's new stage of life. She'll be 2 months old in a matter of days! So crazy. She changes so much every day. Her hair just keeps getting longer, too! I can almost put her hair in a "spout" ponytail. She likes getting plenty of exercise as well: standing up (with our support, obviously), constantly lifting up her head, and even little scooting motions when she's on her tummy. I think she is getting anxious to be mobile. Also, can I just say--babies sure can poop a ton! Brian and I joke about wrapping her up in saran wrap to always be sure to avoid diaper leaks--a frequent occurrence here. Maybe I don't know how to properly secure a diaper. Brian thinks I don't put them on tight enough. But I swear if I put them on tighter, her circulation will be compromised! My mom said I should get bigger diapers, but I am convinced that is not the case--we have the size one diapers from huggies and they are good up to 14 lbs, I think. No, I'm convinced it's just the volume of waste that's the problem. No diaper could keep in some of her blow out episodes. Maybe I should affix 2 diapers to our baby.
trust your mom...you should get bigger diapers. I have learned this through my two kids. Also, if you're nursing they have more messy diapers-at least that's what my doctor told me. She is getting so much more alert and cute. I love it.
I love her face when has her eyes closed and she is smiling. So sweet.
super cute pictures. Sorry to hear about the poop issues going on. I don't even have any advice to give you. Good luck.
We have the same diaper dillema, oxy clean is my new best friend.
haha, she is getting so expressive! i love it!
I don't think 2 would even help. Sometimes the pressure is so much that it had no where to go but up. We had the same issue with all three. We wanted to invent a full body baby diaper. It gets tiring trying to get those stains out. Yeah, maybe bigger diapers might help some. We need to come and see her soon. Our colds are still lingering though.
She is so cute! I LOVE her hair. And about the explosiveness...good luck:) Dane was the same way. No matter what I did he had accidents. I had to bring extra clothes with us until he was like a year old. But my second one is much less poopy. Maybe it differs with each kid. Haha. Good luck!
She is getting TOOOOOO cute!!! Love her!
Totally funny Heather...I totally know what you mean about the poop. I found that if I put the diaper up high in the back and hardly at all in the front it worked out a little better with those explosions. I would rather have a pee leak then poop. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Good luck. I
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