Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby Shower

Well, now I am starting to feel a lot more prepared for when I have the baby! My baby shower was yesterday and I got a lot of fun and useful baby items. As you can see, we set up our crib and I displayed some of the cute stuff I got on and inside it. Brian painted the baby's room a while back and I am still in the process of finishing the bumper pads and blanket for her room. Wow, I think the baby knows I'm writing about her because suddenly she is kicking up a storm in my belly! Anyways, yes, I am attempting to put my novice sewing skills to the test by making some things for the baby. I figure even if they don't look that professional, she will appreciate them just because her mommy made them for her :)
People have been pestering me to post belly pics so here they are! Yes, I know I am quite large--everyone always thinks I am farther along than I really am. I think she is just going to be one big baby--like her Dad! I just found out that Brian was 10 lbs. 5 1/2 oz when he was born!!!! He told me he thought he was a 7 pounder at birth a while back-- how could he forget that he was so huge?! That forgetful husband of mine...
Above--mobile, adorable stuffed bunny, booties, socks, blanket, and a super cute black, white, and pink car seat attachment shade cover.
My boss got me this adorable addition to the nursery--I love it! The fur is so soft, too.
This is one of my favorite outfits--my mom made it. And yes, those are kitties on the dress.
So cute!
Here are some random gifts I arranged on the crib. A cornucopia of baby items, if you will! Once I finish the nursery, I will post more pics to give you all a better view of how the room turns out.


Sandy said...

Thank you for the pics!!! Heather, you look awesome-All belly! Sorry about Brian's lack of full disclosure. That should have been something you discussed during the dating phase. We Nortons have big babies! Not to scare you but Joshua was 10 lb 10 oz. Don't worry, my first was 8 8. You'll do great.

Sean and Bree said...

ohhhhh! Her room is going to look SO adorable!! yayyy I can't wait :D

Will and Heidi said...

totally cute stuff Heather! And you look fabulous, by the way. I'm so excited for you!!

rachael said...

I just saw that you have 34 days left! That is crazy! I can't wait to meet her! She's going to be gorgeous, and you look GREAT! What a cute room!

cyclinggrandmother/Gilly said...

Heather you look great. I don't think you look big at all, just beautiful.
I hope you are feeling a little better and your cold is going away. Did Brian rub you neck with Vicks and tie a sock around it? It works, my mom use to do that to me.
Of course that was in the olden days.
The crib is so cute, now maybe you can get the dresser.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness! It is so fun to see you pregnant! Your baby is so lucky that you are her mommy! And who wouldn't want to have that room and those cute things??!?!?!

Sharie McCraney said...

You did get a lot of clothes!! How much did you weigh Heather?

Christy Ivory said...

Hey Heather, I love seeing the pictures of your cute belly.. I wish I could have been there for the baby shower. I would loved to have been there.....Your baby nursery is going to be so cute. That is the cutest little dress your mom made. Can't wait to see the room finished.
Oh, and by the way.. Sandy is right. I was 10 lb and 10 oz. when I was born.. and Jake was 10 lb 11 oz. Katie was only 8 1. Dan 8 8. You will do great.. I just had a little drugs and played cards for most of the birth..No worries.. She will be beautiful!! Can't wait to see her..

Anonymous said...

The shower was so nicely done. My mom and I loved being there for you and this adorable baby. She for sure knows how lucky she is going to be with being in this family. Haley can't wait to see her. We'd love to come see you in the hospital.
Heather I hope you call me so we can spend sometime together before she comes. Call me 714-429-0439.